TBWA↗︎  ask us to design the future of perfume. 
In this video, we take the opposite view of current mass media fragrances, which show us smooth, divine muses, seeming immortal. We don't identify with these inaccessible models and we oppose this dictatorship
of immortality. 
We preach life, risk, through images without filters 
of mortals who dare, who risk, with their imperfections and their vices.

To mark one's skin is a powerful act that tells a story, claims a thought or even a sense of belonging to a community. The "perfume that kills" is a tangible perfume, a fragrant tattoo that makes you live intensely, claims to be mortal, opposes the dictatorship of perfection. A perfumed tattoo visible and manifest.

Human wearing this patch claim this thought, they wish to belong to this community who fully live, who feel and feel. An ode to life and everything she to imperfect. Dare to be who we are, dare to live in our own way.
This project was carried out in collaboration with Julien Loutrein↗︎, Agathe Gombaud↗︎ and Alice Aussud↗︎ alongside the creative and strategic team of TBWA↗︎.